Saturday, March 17, 2012

Well, Happy St. Patty's day to you.   I have had a good day, I was working on a big project with the group I am on.  It is called the Boomerang 7 Water Group.  I prepared 38 Fat Eighths and mailed them out today.  Nothing went right, but I am new to this and I will know better how to manage this next time around.   When I got back I had received 3 of the fabrics from which I will make 3 blocks and return to senders.  It is a pretty fast project and now I am beginning to search for blocks to make for them.  My fabric was what I sent out this a.m.  I believe I will go traditional unless I don't get patterns that shout out to me.  The people who got my fabric will make blocks for me so it will be great fun all the way thru.  Julianne I saw the bowl and pitcher block you did and I love it.  Can you send me an url for that?
I love it, I collect them.  I will make pictures of mine to show you.  The real things.  Not pictures.
Well pictures will come later so I better get to making those blocks.

1 comment:

Julianne said...

LOL I will send you the pattern...soon. You are having fun.. I love it.